
So back in the old days when we were running the Blink meetups Doug had this kit he made to introduce soldering and Arduino.

There was this one young lady who came and she was a bit reluctant to do the hands-on activity thinking it was too hard. Her name was Elgin. Doug and I insisted it was easy and she had a go at it.

She was ecstatic when the lights came on.

I came across her online yesterday.

She leads soldering and arduino type workshops in BC now and is a Masters Student in the School of Interactive Arts & Technology (SFU Vancouver).


Here’s a drawing robot she made.

I think it’s clear there is a great value in these walk-up activities!

Thanks Doug!


I would like to thank Doug for his ongoing contribution to the community! He’s been with us through many years through thick and thin!

He has supported the community through membership, volunteerism, mentorship and much more.

He’s a center of expertise for electronic circuit design and construction, Arduino, soldering, CNC fabrication and other areas.

He has lead workshops, supported other peoples’ workshops and supported others’ workshops through participation.

He is the safety officer of our community. He always speaks out when there is room for improvement and safety.

He also has many interesting projects.

  • CNC machine construction
  • Robotics
  • Education
  • SMT Soldering
  • Volunteering to fix brail machines
  • Volunteering in Schools
  • Lapidary club
  • Printmaking
  • Most notably he converted the hack613 “H” balloon into the Starship Enterprise (please see pictures for reference).

Doug’s Website: DNCLabs


I would like to introduce Lakota who has been a very instrumental community member!

So far at hack613 she has learned to use CNC machines, laser, arduino and other skills. She has even fixed one of the CNC machines! She’s a great example of a person who contributes to the community!

She has helped facilitate meetups including managing the door and phone and general facility management.   She’s also helped with workshops with promotion and logistics. She also made a donation jar which helped raise money for supplies! She’s participated in not just the meetups that she facilitated but has a presence at our other pop-ups including field trips to Green Drinks Ottawa, ImagineSpace, Ottawa Impact Hub and Drawing at Atomic!

She’s got some cool projects including a rollybot, four servo robot, computer art, block printing and much more!