How it Works

This document is a work in progress! Feedback and help is very welcome. Please forward to!

We are a member-run and member supported community.

Member Types

Founding members (those who signed up to the initial call for makers) keep their member rates indefinitely as long as they are continually signed up.

November 2017 Update:

Member types and rates are being evaluated. You’re input is invited so attend the meetups and voice your opinion.

The second call for makers will be very soon.

If you’re interested in joining contact us to make an arrangement.


Please refer to the contact page.

House Equipment

House equipment is free to use.  If schedule conflicts come forward we will implement a booking system. This equipment will be unlabelled.

Community Equipment

There is a procedure for members to add shared tools of their choice. Simply add the tool to the common space. After a grace period it will be evaluated if there is sufficient adoption by the steering committee and members.

The sponsoring member continues to own and maintain the equipment. Usage is subject to whatever certification, training or pricing model the member wants.

This equipment should be labeled as “Sponsored by {member name}” with contact information in yellow or amber.


Private Equipment

Any member with space can put equipment in their own space and either use or share it how ever they want with other members.

This equipment should be labeled as private in red.

Social Cues

Being a shared space we would like to make it easier for people to collaborate and focus.

Feel free post a colored flag or message to indicate your current mode:  Focusing/Come Say Hi!/I’m Stuck Please Help!


There will be a schedule of quiet times and other times where a certain noise level will be permitted. This will be posted on the inside of the side door.


No items will be plugged in, in the space when there is nobody there.


Members can run whatever workshops they want and keep all proceeds. Simply submit your plans to us for posting in calendar.


The  building will remain locked at all times. If you don’t have a key ring doorbell or email or text someone you know is in who can let you in.

Proceed directly to the space down the hallway as we share the venue with two other software companies. Please do not disturb the other tenants.


Try to share the table surfaces during meetups.


If you have boxes of stuff consider putting it on the floor neatly. If you need to have it on a table to unload it consider moving it to the floor after. Try not to use a nice work surface for storage.


This pilot project runs to December 2017.

We will continue the project if it proves popular enough.