Ottawa Public Library

I put a little thought into the Wednesday meetups and here are some ideas. We’ve got our Sunday meetup at the library and that’s awesome so why not have the Wednesday meetups there for the longer term.

The pub idea is a bit wearing. There are people who don’t want to drink or spend money and it’s an ongoing fight with noise. The Barley Moe activity was constantly bumped by reservations trashing many of the meetups and discouraging people from coming. Further I’m not convinced the exposure of our group in pubs is the best audience.

All along the library has been right there and that’s exactly what it’s for so why not use it?

I was already thinking about this while walking down the street Friday afternoon a week ago. I decided to go to the library to sit with my computer for a bit. I walked into a super fun workshop on Chinese calligraphy and made a whole bunch of new friends.

This was so heartwarming and so much fun I decided I wanted to run a few walk-up tables myself. I’ve got a some meetings upcoming with the library to work on this. Perhaps we could coordinate the walk-ups and our meetups and make it a party.

Our meetups have been mostly unstructured and I love that but if we ran walk-ups for the public (and ourselves) I think it could make it even more fun.


Lakota’s Donation Box

Lakota will be hosting some of the meetups! Check out the super cute donation box she made!

This is to help cover materials, supplies and consumables.

Call for Makers

Would you like to join Hack613? Would you like the volunteer or otherwise support Hack613?

Have art or technical projects and need space and community support?

We are formulating our second call for makers!

Come to the meetups to voice your opinion and to support the project!

It’s time to tell us what you want.

Let’s discuss the space and social aspect of the project!




It’s Here!

We are now approving member applications! Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Someone is often in the space now so if you would like to see it please send me a note at

Space Secured

About 11am on Wednesday, April 26th, 2017, I put out a call to see who was interested in a makerspaceĀ project and at what level. I finally had some locations plus I had been working for some time at finding candidatesĀ who might be interested in the project.

By Friday the same week I felt thatĀ the response was good enough so I made arrangements take over an excellent space at 299 Bank Street. The following MondayĀ I received the key.

It took quite some time for the stars to align and when they did it was just three days from the call to having the space.

The next weeks will be very busy.