What’s a Makerspace?

What’s the Maker Movement?

The maker movement is a fusion of independent inventors, designers, tinkerers, problem solvers, hackers, artisans, crafters and DIYers creating multidisciplinary projects and workspaces.

It is a shift from consuming to making.

The community has admiration for open-source software, open hardware, open learning and sharing. Some interesting things that have emerged from or have been accelerating the maker movement are consumer level 3D printing, Arduino micro-controllers, hackspaces, makerfaires and much more. Hackspaces are communal work spaces that often have shared equipment such as CNC machines, laser cutters, 3D printers and traditional tools.

But making stuff isn’t new!

That’s right but the value proposition now is stronger with cross pollination between different disciplines and availability of affordable CNC tools. Also with the connectivity of the internet, things are moving along well.

Ottawa Makerspaces and Communities!

Imagine Space: Nepean Centrepointe Library. Very awesome space!

Richard L’Abbé Makerspace: uOttawa’s university makerspace.

Hack613: See our calendar for open events!

If you’d like your space to be listed here please contact us!